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Travel with Chris Privacy Policy

In this policy, we set out a summary of how we manage your personal information.


The core functions of our business (ie. the primary purposes for which we collect personal information) are to facilitate the booking and marketing of our various travel products. We will not collect personal information unless it is necessary for one or more of these functions or a related activity.

We may also collect information about you in order for you to register as a member, complete a travel profile, participate in a survey or promotion, ask a question or initiate a transaction on our website, over the phone, a mobile application or through a franchised agent.

As far as it is reasonable or practicable, we will collect your personal information directly from you. If it is not reasonable or practicable and personal information is collected from someone else (e.g. another person booking on your behalf), we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the collection of your personal information, , unless specific exemptions apply. Sensitive information will only be collected with your consent, unless specific legislative exemptions app.

Information about other travellers

If you provide us with information about other people travelling with you (for example, family members), you should make them aware of this Privacy Policy and any privacy collection notices we provide you.

Use and Disclosure

Our general rule is that we will not use or disclose your personal information other than for the purpose stated at the time of collection. If another use is proposed, we will seek your further consent unless that other purpose is related to the original purpose of collection (the "secondary purpose"). For example, you could reasonably expect us to use or disclose your personal information collected from your booking form for the secondary purpose of sending you information about your automatic entitlements to special offers,
potential discounts as a past passenger and any special promotions that are on offer.

Whilst we retain various third parties to assist us in our marketing and promotional activities (eg. to administer our newsletter email service and to maintain an off-site database for information concerning our past passengers), we do not disclose your personal information to anyone else for their promotional use. Similarly, we are not in the practice of purchasing mailing lists (whether post or email) from third parties for our promotional use.

Any promotional information that we send to you (by post or by email) will contain instructions for how you can easily opt out of receiving further notifications. We seek written assurances from parties to whom we may disclose personal information to ensure that they will treat that information in accordance with our privacy policy.

Data Quality

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete, up to date and relevant, having regard to the purpose for which the information is proposed to be used. We encourage you to contact us if you believe personal information we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete in some way.

Data Security

We take reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure in accordance with industry standards. This includes physical security for our office and electronic security (such as password access, encryption and firewalls) for our office network servers and electronic data transfers. All credit card details are transmitted using encryption processes.

Access and Correction

Generally, we will give you access to the personal information we have collected about you and we may correct it at your request. If we do not grant your request for access to or for a correction of personal information we have collected about you, we will provide you with a written explanation of the reasons for our decision.

Further Information about Privacy

If you are in Australia and you would like further information about privacy generally, please contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner by calling 1300 363 992 or visit the Commissioner’s web site at

Operating under license to Your Travel & Cruise Pty Ltd.  
Travel with Chris operates under license and as an agent of Your Travel & Cruise Pty Ltd, ABN 69105940332. Your Travel & Cruise is a member of CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) and the Magellan Travel group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Helloworld Travel.  
Your Travel & Cruise Pty Ltd has committed to a charter and code of conduct relating to business compliance, commercial safeguards, workforce development, dispute resolution and complaints handling processes.